Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Reawaken to CHRISTmas

If you are one of the brave ones who still says “Merry Christmas” versus “Happy Holidays”, good for you! But even when you say, “Merry Christmas”, do you say it in the spirit of what it really is or do you say it stressed to the max because of the added financial burden or seeming lack of time for tree decorating, shopping, baking, etc.? Every Christmas season (which seems to roll around faster every year), the challenge is to remember what “Christmas” is all about. Many would certainly say it is everything but “Merry!” I want to share with you what I believe a “Merry Christmas” represents along with one simple suggestion to make it the “Merriest” ever!

My favorite part from the "Sermon on the Mount" is when Jesus says, “Ye are the Light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel but on a candlestick and it gives light unto all that are in the house. Let your Light shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:14-16 (King James) Jesus’ birth and life was to help you to remember who you are. You have a Divine Spark of Light within to live a compassionate, powerful and miraculous life! The Christmas season is the time to reawaken to that Divine Spark of Light that lies deep within your heart – to remember who you are! As you do this, then you can shine your Light brightly throughout the Christmas season demonstrating a life of love and compassion as did Jesus! What better present could you possibly give to your friends and family?! It is the same gift God gave to you through the birth of Jesus – a Divine Light shining brightly into the darkness! A “Merry Christmas” is the “Joy” of you shining your “Light” brightly, beaming love and compassion as Jesus so perfectly demonstrated.

So how do you reconnect to that Divine Light within to have the Merriest Christmas ever? Here is what works for me: 10-15 minutes a day in meditation. Meditation has been proven to be the quickest, surest way to connect with the Joy within you. I’m sure many of you are now saying, “Oh sure…let me just add that to my list on top of shopping, baking, mailing presents, etc.!” But again, let me ask you…”What is a Merry Christmas?” Wouldn’t the brief but powerful time you spend in meditation be worth having the ability to truly experience a Merry Christmas? Also, many of you are probably saying, “I’ve tried meditation before, I can’t quiet my mind and not only that it kills my knees to sit in the lotus position.” Before you discount this idea, let me tell you there are many, many forms of meditation such as a journey meditation, strolling through nature, focusing on the breath, listening to soulful music and what works for one person may not work for another. Out of all the many forms, I’m confident one will work for you! The main thing is to take the time to remember who you are – to reconnect to that Divine Light within so you may shine your Light brightly as Jesus, not only throughout the Christmas season but every day!

Have a Joyous- Merry Christmas!

Denna J. Shelton, Copyright, 2010

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


"Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot." - The Hausa of Nigeria

As Thanksgiving approaches, thoughts turn to gratitude. For some, it’s the once-a-year holiday ritual around the dinner table as each person states what they are most thankful for, i.e: family, health, job, etc.

Having an attitude of gratitude throughout the year, however, is nothing short of trans formative. That’s because of the universal law that states: What you focus on expands. In other words, what you appreciate appreciates. And, where attention goes, energy flows.

Here are a few of my favorite quotes that help remind me to have an attitude of gratitude throughout the year!

"Saying thank you is more than good manners. It is good spirituality." - Alfred Painter

"I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

"Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty." - Doris Day

"Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings." - William Arthur Ward

"Reflect upon your present blessings of which every man has plenty: not on your past misfortunes of which all men have some." - Charles Dickens

"Life without thankfulness is devoid of love and passion. Hope without thankfulness is lacking in fine perception. Faith without thankfulness lacks strength and fortitude. Every virtue divorced from thankfulness is maimed and limps along the spiritual road." - John Henry Jowett

Happy Thanksgiving!

Denna J. Shelton, Copyright, 2010

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Inner and Outer Fitness

"When you reflect your Inner Self through your Outer Self, you touch the lives of others in positive ways. You help them to remember their true essence - their Inner Self."

A lady attended my class with a knee brace on her right knee. When I asked her what had happened, she said a sports orthopedic doctor told her that she had over-trained her quadriceps and under-trained her hamstrings, and this had actually created an imbalance resulting in displacement of her patella. Just as over-training one body part in your workouts can create an imbalance and an injury to your body, so it is when the focus on yourself is one sided. If your focus is all on the external, you can have feelings of discontentment and on-going restlessness. You will find you are always striving for the next external gratification to give your life a sense of passion and purpose. You may create strain in your relationships or simply feel ill at ease.

It is not an easy task to balance your Inner and Outer Self. You are bombarded with messages from the media that you must look a certain way. You are told your value is in your dress or pant size and the image you present to the world. You compare your body to others to see how you measure up. (A psychological study in 1999 found that three minutes looking at a fashion magazine caused 70% of women to feel depressed, guilty and shameful.) You are led to believe that your happiness lies outside of yourself. You think if you have a particular car, bigger house, more credentials or the perfect partner, then you can feel good about yourself. Yet, we have all experienced the people who have a glow about them even with all of their imperfections and bad hair day. Others are drawn to them like a magnet. These people clearly demonstrate inner fitness!

The question becomes then, how do you become fit on the inside? The simple truth is …Adapt a spiritual practice! To become physically fit, you must eat properly and exercise. So it is to become fit on the inside: proper spiritual nourishment and spiritual exercise! Here are three simple choices to implement daily for inner fitness:

1. Listen to Soothing Music – Take time from your day to sit back, take deep breaths, and digest soothing, peaceful music that quiets your mind and feeds your soul. Dr. Joel Robertson in his book, Natural Prozac, states “Music is one of the most powerful tools for changing brain chemistry. It alters our chemistry instantly, with no known negative side effects. If chosen well, music can be medicine for the mind and soul.”

2. Spend time in Nature – We spend so much time indoors, focused on the busyness of our lives. But much of what we need can only be found in nature along with the trees, bubbling brooks, and open sky. In nature we experience the nurturing embrace of Mother Earth. You can’t help but experience a different sense of self while walking in the woods or traversing a mountainside. When it is impossible to be outdoors, view beautiful nature footage on your television. “Visual exposure to natural settings has produced significant recovery from stress as indicated by changes in physiological measures such as blood pressure and muscle tension.” -Dr. Felf, ed. The Role of Horticulture in Human Well-Being and Social Development.

3. Meditation – Don’t panic! You don’t have to sit in the lotus position trying to quiet your mind up to an hour. Benefits of meditation can occur in as little time as fifteen minutes a day and there are many different meditation techniques to choose from; guided, moving, sounding, or breathing meditations to mention just a few. When you take the time to quiet the mind chatter and listen to the voice of your soul, spiritual growth occurs by leaps and bounds.

Being physically fit adds quality and quantity to your life! But we are not only physical beings, we are also spiritual beings. One builds upon the other. Nurturing yourself daily will balance your Inner Self with your Outer Self. It will bring you more joy, harmony, and peace. Creating this balance creates a glow around your presence that others cannot help but notice. When you reflect your Inner Self through your Outer Self, you touch the lives of others in positive ways. You help them remember their true essence - their Inner Self!

 A meditative moment...C

Denna J. Shelton, Copyright, 2010 http://www.twentygems.com/


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Small Things with Great Love

“We must be the change we want to see in the world.” - Mahatma Gandhi

I have a very simple but powerful suggestion on how to be that change. Be the change by focusing on Small Acts with Great Love! Now, I did not come up with that. It was Mother Teresa who said, “We can do no great things –only small things with great love.” Here is a true story example:

An old woman walked with a ramble as she pushed her shopping cart full of her worldly possession. She was dirty, her hair unkempt, her cloths torn, she reeked of alcohol and cigarettes. Most of her teeth were missing. She stopped and asked Jill for some change. Jill wanting to display a small act of kindness invited her to lunch and she agreed. They went across the street to an outdoor café so the old woman could watch over her shopping cart while they ate. When they were ready to leave, Jill felt good about herself but then the old woman asked her for a hug. It was then that Jill had to face herself and all the hidden repulsion and bias that she had for this woman. She gave her a passing type of hug and instantly felt shame. The old woman thanked Jill for lunch and began to ramble off. Jill stood there for a moment and realized that she had failed to give this woman the one thing that cost nothing, Love!

She called to the woman and caught up with her and asked her if she could give her a real hug and she agreed. She got past, and I quote “her own stench and gave that woman the best hug she has ever given anyone.” This was a small act with great Love.

Listen intently without interrupting, smile at a stranger, or waive to a neighbor. These are all small acts with great love. Quoting Mother Teresa again she said, “Do not worry about why problems exist in the world – just respond to people’s needs. We feel what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean, but that ocean would be less without that drop.” It is time NOW for everyday people to stop feeling powerless about doing some grand thing in the world and be empowered to see the impact of their small actions, all adding up collectively.

Denna J. Shelton, Copyright 2010

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Natural Prozac

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everday life." - Max Heindel

Dr. Joel Robertson in his book, "Natural Prozac", states that listening to soothing music is a powerful tool to instantly change the chemistry in your brain with no negative side effects. He says, “If chosen correctly, it can be medicine for the mind and the soul.”

20 years ago scientists experimented with plants and the music of Bach. They found that his music caused the plants to grow faster and healthier, while the hard rock music had a negative effect on the plants. It stands to reason then that music also affects the human organism in ways that we may not realize.

The next time you feel your stress levels climbing, tune into soothing music and just see how quickly your mood changes! Add some deep breathing to that and I guarantee you will feel a whole lot better.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Energy Vampires

"Two men look out the same prison bars; one sees mud and the other sees stars." - Frederick Langbridge

Have you ever heard the phrase, “We become part of what we are around?” The people you associate with have a profound affect on how you feel and ultimately what you achieve!

How do you feel after listening to negative people? You probably feel listless and drained, right? Renowned Psychologist and Motivational Speaker, Jack Canfield, describes them as “energy vampires” – they suck all the positive energy out of you. On the other hand, how do you feel when you’re around people who are positive and enthusiastic? I’ll bet you have more energy and are encouraged and inspired.

We have a choice in who we hang out with. I’m not talking about your spouse or significant other. I’m referring to relationships both at work and in your leisure time. I have a relative who is very negative. She is as Canfield describes an “energy vampire." I’ve had to put limits on my involvement with her. I haven’t abandoned her but I do not go out of my way to call her. I am in favor of trying to help those who are negative. I think we should make efforts to steer them in a more positive direction. But if we’ve tried for many years and that person insists on being negative, maybe it’s time to severely limit the amount of time we spend with that person. Those who occupy your time have a significant impact on your most priceless possession…your mind!

In the last few years there has been a growing body of psychological research bearing out the power that one individual’s mood can have on others. Psychologists call it “Emotional Contagion." A long term researcher, Richard Saavedra, from the University of New Hampshire states, “It is one of the most robust phenomena I’ve ever seen. And it’s all unconscious.”

We become part of what we are around! Surround Yourself with Positive People.
Positive reflection...
Denna J. Shelton, Copyright, 2010

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Nature for Stress Reduction

"Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you."-Frank Lloyd Wright

Dr. Felf in his book, "The Role of Horticulture in Human Well-Being and Social Development", states that exposure to nature settings produces significant recovery from stress in physical measurements such as blood pressure and muscle tension. I can vouch for that!
One of my very favorite things to do is to go hiking with my two over-grown labador retrivers, Eli & Bogart, at a nearby park. It is a great place to get in touch with nature. There are many different hiking trails for several miles that cover about 400 acres of beautiful dense forest. In the Spring there are tons of dogwood & if the sun hits them just right, it looks like a forest of twinkling white lights. It is dense with lush green foliage during the summer months. And in the fall, you are surrounded by brilliant reds, oranges & yellows. But honestly, although I love all of the seasons there, I think my favorite is winter. All of the leaves are off the trees & you can see for miles. It is wide open. This is when I take Eli & Bogart off their leashes and say “Run, boys…Run” and they run like the wind. It feels like total freedom!

No matter how stressed I am, within five minutes of being in nature, I have not a care in the world. It quiets all the mind chatter and frees my Soul. Spending time in nature isn’t always possible. But viewing nature scenes on your television or computer is and it has also proven to have great calming effects. A moment in nature

Monday, September 14, 2009


"He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the Universe." - Marcus Aurelilus

One person gets nothing but discord from a piano, another gets harmony. No one blames the piano. Life is similar! The discord is there, and the harmony is there. Play it correctly, and it will give beauty: Play it falsely, and it will give ugliness. Life is not at fault! A beautiful harmonious video moment...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Exercise... Joyous?

Exercise can be joyous! Any dreaded task can be joyous if you approach it with a playful attitude. Think back to when you were a child. Do you remember what if felt like to be playful? It feels happy, innocent, creative, free and light-hearted. Find the physical exercise that at least halfway appeals to you whether it is cycling, swimming, hiking, aerobic dance, etc. and approach it with a playful attitude. With a playful attitude, you will look forward to experiencing the joy you derive from regular exercise. Not only will you experience joy but improved body composition, strength, cardiovascular conditioning, flexibility, stress reduction, and raised self-esteem! Any dreaded task can be joyous, even exercising when approached with a playful attitude! Slip into a moment of Joy!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Be the Change Now!

A Zen Master visiting New York City goes up to a hot dog vendor and says, “Please, make me one with everything.” The hot dog vendor fixes a hot dog and hands it to the Zen Master, who then pays a $20 bill.

The Vendor puts the bill in the cash box and closes it. “Excuse me, but where is my change?” asks the Zen Master.

The Vendor responds, “
Zen Master, you of all people should know…Change must come from within.”

It is an understatement to say that our Country is in dire need of positive change. The way our country has been governed and the way many individuals have lived their lives have lead us to an economic crisis. Many are feeling the results of our economic situation and want to do something to make a difference. Yet, the scale of the issues at hand makes it seem difficult for us. You may be asking, "How can I make a difference?" "What can I do?" Or you may be thinking, "Nothing I do will make a difference anyway."

Surely the question now is not what we can do alone but what we can achieve together!

When President Harry Truman was headed home to Missouri after finishing his term in the White House, a reporter asked him what it was like to be leaving the highest office in the land. Without missing a beat, Truman replied: “I am not leaving the highest office. I am assuming the highest office, that of a citizen.”

By working shoulder to shoulder with one another, assuming the “highest office of citizenship” by being the change we want to see and devoting ourselves to a common destiny, then perhaps we collectively can create huge improvements across our nation.

We cannot wait for change. If we want change, we must be the change. It was Mahatma Gandhi who said, “We must be the change we want to see in the world.” I have a very simple but powerful suggestion on how to be that change.

Be the Change by focusing on Small Acts with Great Love! It was Mother Theresa who said, “We can do no great things –only small things with great love.” Here is a true story example:

An old woman walked with a ramble as she pushed her shopping cart full of her worldly possession. She was dirty, her hair unkempt, her cloths torn, she reeked of alcohol and cigarettes. Most of her teeth were missing.

She stopped and asked Jill for some change. Jill wanting to display a small act of kindness invited her to lunch and she agreed. They went across the street to an outdoor café so the old woman could watch over her shopping cart while they ate.

When they were ready to leave, Jill felt good about herself but then the old woman asked her for a hug. It was then that Jill had to face herself and all the hidden repulsion and bias that she had for this woman. She gave her a passing type of hug and instantly felt shame. The old woman thanked Jill for lunch and began to ramble off.

Jill stood there for a moment and realized that she had failed to give this woman the one thing that cost nothing, Love! She called to the woman and caught up with her and asked her if she could give her a real hug and she agreed. She got past, and I quote “her own stench and gave that woman the best hug she has ever given anyone.” This was a small act with great Love.

Preparing this article has heightened my awareness of the impact of small acts so yesterday when I was at the grocery store, there was a young woman behind me with many items in her cart and a screaming baby. I had already loaded all of my things upon the conveyor belt so I asked if she would like some help with her groceries. She stood there speechless for a second and then agreed. She had the biggest smile on her face & jokingly asked if I would follow her home to unload her car as well. At the same time her baby quit screaming. I’m convinced he quit screaming because he sensed the kindness. This was a small act with great love.

Listen intently without interrupting, smile at a stranger, or waive to a neighbor. These are all small acts with great love.

Quoting Mother Teresa again she said,
“Do not worry about why problems exist in the world – just respond to people’s needs. We feel what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean, but that ocean would be less without that drop.”

It is time NOW for everyday people to stop feeling powerless about doing some grand thing in the world and be empowered to see the impact of their small actions, all adding up collectively. Be the Change NOW!.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Who Me... Stressed?

The National Consumer League states that 80% of Americans are stressed and 63% say their stress levels are rising. Over 50 million people in the US alone suffer from sleep and relaxation disorders. PEOPLE NEED TO CHILL OUT! We have become imbalanced. How can we bring more balance into our lives? I have two simple suggestions.

1. Spend time in Nature

Dr. Felf in his book, "The Role of Horticulture in Human Well-Being and Social Development", states that exposure to nature settings produces significant recovery from stress in physical measurements such as blood pressure and muscle tension. I can vouch for that!

One of my very favorite things to do is to go hiking with my two over-grown labador retrivers, Eli & Bogart, at a nearby park . It is a great place to get in touch with nature. There are many different hiking trails for several miles that cover about 400 acres of beautiful dense forest. In the Spring there are tons of dogwood & if the sun hits them just right, it looks like a forest of twinkling white lights. In the summer it is dense with lush green foliage. In the fall, you are surrounded by brilliant reds, oranges & yellows. But honestly, although I love all of the seasons there, I think my favorite is winter. All of the leaves are off the trees & you can see for miles. It is wide open. This is when I take Eli & Bogart off their leashes and say “Run, boys…Run” and they run like the wind. It feels like total freedom!

No matter how stressed I am, within five minutes of being in nature, I have not a care in the world. It quiets all the mind chatter and frees the Soul.

Spending time in nature isn’t always possible. But viewing nature scenes on your television or computer is and it has also proven to have great calming effects.

2. Listen to Soothing Music

My second suggestion is to simply listen to soothing music. Dr. Joel Robertson in his book, "Natural Prozac", states that listening to soothing music is a powerful tool to instantly change the chemistry in your brain with no negative side effects. He says, “If chosen correctly, it can be medicine for the mind and the soul.”

20 years ago scientists experimented with plants and the music of Bach. They found that his music caused the plants to grow faster and healthier, while the hard rock music had a negative effect on the plants. It stands to reason then that music also affects the human organism in ways that we may not realize.

The next time you feel your stress levels climbing, tune into soothing music and just see how quickly your mood changes! Add some deep breathing to that and I guarantee you will feel a whole lot better. I like to keep relaxing music playing in my office all day as I work. It helps keep me balanced.

We are bombarded with information and most of it negative at that. We must take measures to keep out lives balanced. Being in nature and listening to soothing music are two readily available and simple measures to create that balance.

Monday, June 8, 2009


We know a good workout can help the body. But what about the brain?

UCLA researchers claim meditation may be the key!

"We know that people who consistently meditate have a singular ability to cultivate positive emotions, retain emotional stability and engage in mindful behavior," said Eileen Luders, lead author and a postdoctoral research fellow at the UCLA Laboratory of Neuro Imaging, Physorg.com reported. "The observed differences in brain anatomy might give us a clue why meditators have these exceptional abilities."- Dr. Eileen Luders http://tinyurl.com/nhu8nn

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

Traditional observance of Memorial day has diminished over the years. Many Americans nowadays have forgotten the meaning and traditions of Memorial Day. At many cemeteries, the graves of our soldiers are neglected. Most people no longer remember the proper flag etiquette for the day. Some people think the day is for honoring any and all dead, and not just those who died in service to our country.

To help re-educate and remind Americans of the true meaning of Memorial Day, the "
National Moment of Remembrance" resolution was passed on Dec 2000 which asks that at 3 p.m. local time, for all Americans "To voluntarily and informally observe in their own way a Moment of remembrance and respect, pausing from whatever they are doing for a moment of silence or listening to 'Taps."

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Peaceful Weight Loss!

You are not the number on your bathroom scale! Yet for too many people, this number or judgments surrounding this number can cause pain and inner conflict.

Letting go of judgments during the weight loss process can release you from this internal battle and bring you more peace. This, in return, enables you to choose proper foods and exercise with greater ease.

Now that’s a new thought: peaceful weight loss! Take a peaceful moment!

Thursday, May 14, 2009



THE SPONTANEOUS HEALING of BELIEF by Gregg Braden is by far my most favorite read so far this year! His many years of research in science and history evidenced throughout this book brings Spirituality and Science together like never before!

This book takes the principles of "our thoughts become our reality" to a whole new level. I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to once and for all shatter limiting beliefs and take our planet into a brighter future!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The SECRET to a STRESS-FREE Pregnancy and Calm Baby

Having gone through two pregnancies myself, I know this is a very special time for a woman and her family. It is a time of many changes in a woman’s body, in her emotions and in the life of her family. As welcome as they may be, these changes often add new stresses to the lives of busy pregnant women who already face many demands at home and at work. I know from my personal experience that there is an amazing difference in a newborn whose mother was extremely stressed throughout her pregnancy vs. a mother who was calm. Meditation during pregnancy can be the solution.

Studies have shown that after regular practice of meditation, many physical, psychological and spiritual benefits occur. Regular meditation during pregnancy increases serotonin; a powerful “feel good” hormone which contributes to feelings of happiness and contentment which can help mothers avoid pre-natal and post-natal depression. Recent research suggests that meditation while nurturing your baby is a contributing factor in having a peaceful and content baby after birth.

Many people shy away from meditation because it uses valuable time and can be frustrating if you don't experience quick results. “Twenty Gems, Journeys to the Self” provide the benefits of meditation during pregnancy in a short and gratifying process. Each visual meditation leads you through an 11-minute journey of skillfully combined imagery of nature scenery, mesmerizing graphic animation and soothing music while instantly relaxing and healing, where you emerge feeling calm and rejuvenated. The optional positive affirmations throughout encourage healthy self-esteem, self-acceptance, and empowerment.

Here’s what a few have said:

· “I have been looking for weeks for a DVD with beautiful images that could provide relaxation. Finally during a flight on US Airways I discovered TwentyGems which was showing as the boarding video. It is exactly what I’ve been looking for. You must let other pregnant mothers know about this production. By the way, it was the most relaxed flight I’ve ever taken.” – Kayla

· “My two-and-half-month old son is a very colicky baby who cries a lot. I placed him in front of our television with TwentyGems and he went from a fussy state to cooing with delight. He watched the whole 44 minutes!” – Theresa

· …As a psychologist, I have seen many similar products and none compare to these. The caliber of the spoken words and dynamic, exotic, and serene visuals is unlike anything else. I would highly recommend these materials to anyone who desires to slip into total relaxation and feel better than they thought possible.” -Kathleen Nickerson, PhD

· “I agreed to baby sit my four month old grandchild on a day I had so much to do. I placed him in his swing in front of TwentyGems hoping to occupy him for a brief while. Much to my amazement he watched the entire 44 minute loop twice! He was totally entertained while joyously interacting with these beautiful visuals!” – Jolene

Watching TwentyGems only eleven minutes a day on a regular basis as meditation for pregnancy will help your body and mind to work in harmony not only as you prepare for the birth of your new baby but also for a content baby after birth. Experience it for yourSelf!

Can You Stay Positive in Negative Times?

What sells is bad news, lots and lots of bad news! It’s an old axiom that we all know to be true. The media doesn’t deny it. They bombard us with bad new day in and day out. So the questions is…how does this affect us? Can you stay positive in negative times?

To stay positive in the world today is a challenge of monumental proportion. Yet, I believe we can stay positive in negative times. And I think it is easier than it seems. I have three simple suggestions:

#1 Limit the Amount of Time You Watch the Media on TV.

With the proliferation of 24/7 cable news and easy access on your blackberry, laptops, phone & computers means you are only a moment away form the latest crisis, calamity and catastrophe. But is this healthy?

In an article entitled “Negative Psychological Effects of Watching the News on the Television” published in the International Journal of Behavioral Medicine outlines the results of a study done in 2 groups who watched a 15-min random newscast.

A measure of anxiety and positive or negative moods were taken of each group once before the news and once after the news. The results show that anxiety and negative moods increased, while positive moods decreased after watching the news. This proves that watching the news triggers negative feelings.

Now, we don’t need the results of a study to know that we feel bad after watching the news. But it is always nice to have a study done to prove we are right.

Of course, you must stay current on what is happening in the world.. You can’t just stick your head in the sand. But do you need to keep CNBC or CNN playing all day long? Do you really have to watch every move up or down, down, down in the market? No. It just repeats itself over and over again, anyway. Make yourself turn off the newscast after you’ve checked the news and don’t check it again until the following day.

Some may think I go to the extreme the other way. I watch only enough news to stay barely current. My husband might tell you I’m not always all that current. But I know for myself in order to keep a positive attitude, I can’t watch much TV period. When I do, I feel very lethargic, sad & have a hard time getting going. I know this so I prefer to read positive stories which brings me to Suggestion #2.

#2 Read Positive Stories of Survival and Perseverance.

I recently read Viktor Frankl’s powerful book, “Man’s Search for Meaning”. (Have any of you read it?) It’s been around awhile but still many copies are being sold.

He describes the powerful psychological journey during his three years in concentration camps during WWII. He found the “potential meaning of life” even in conditions where he lost his wife and parents, his children, all worldly belongings, his identity and even his security that he would live another 24 hours….day after day in miserable physical conditions.

He fought back hopelessness and endured conditions beyond most people’s imaginations, and he came to know first hand that though others can control your external existence, they cannot control your mind…and he clung to faith and beliefs that he would make it, and he did. He touched the lives of many, including mine.

It’s easy to stay positive when everything is going well. But not so easy when a storm hits. Is this not true?

My husband has been in mortgage banking for over 30 years and his employer ( a div. of Wachovia Bank) closed their business about a 1-1/2 ago. He has been unemployed since that time. He is working on getting a new business going as I am working on mine. Even though we are optimistic, things are a little intense financially for us right now & it looks like we may sell our house where we have lived for fifteen years. I’ll be honest, it’s very easy for me to get down about this. But when I think of people such as Viktor Frankl & other’s who have suffered horribly and have overcome amazing odds, having to sell a house doesn’t seem like such a big deal. I move from despair to gratefulness. This gives me a renewed sense of hope. Look for positive stories. There are plenty. And lastly,

#3 Surround Yourself with Positive People.

Have you ever heard the phrase, “We become part of what we are around?” The people you associate with have a profound affect on how you feel and ultimately what you achieve.

How do you feel after listening to negative people? You probably feel listless and drained, right? Renowned Psychologist & Motivational Speaker, Jack Canfield, describes them as “energy vampires” – they suck all the positive energy out of you. On the other hand, how do you feel when you’re around people who are positive and enthusiastic? I’ll bet you have more energy and are encouraged & inspired. We have a choice in who we hang out with. I’m not talking about your spouse or significant other. I’m referring to relationships both at work and in your leisure time.

I have a close relative who is very negative. She is as Canfield describes an “energy vampire”. I’ve had to put limits on my involvement with her. I haven’t abandoned her but I do not go out of my way to call her. I am in favor of trying to help those who are negative. I think we should make efforts to steer them in a more positive direction. But if we’ve tried for the many years and that person insists on being negative, maybe it’s time to severely limit the amount of time we spend with that person. Those who occupy your time have a significant impact on your most priceless possession…your mind!

In the last few years there has been a growing body of psychological research bearing out the power that one individual’s mood can have on others. Psychologists call it “Emotional Contagion”. A long term researcher, Richard Saavedra, from the University of New Hampshire states, “It is one of the most robust phenomena I’ve ever seen. And it’s all unconscious.”

We become part of what we are around! Surround Yourself with Positive People.

Life is a personal journey realizing that when everything outside of ourselves appears to be out of our control, we always have control of our own thinking. The Dalai Lama in his book “The Art of Happiness” says, “By bringing about a certain inner discipline, we can undergo a transformation of our attitude, our entire outlook and approach to living. When we speak of this inner discipline, it can of course involve many things, many methods. But generally speaking, one begins by identifying those factors which lead to happiness and those factors which lead to suffering. Having done this, one then sets about gradually eliminating those factors which lead to suffering and cultivating those which lead to happiness. That is the way.”

Limit the amount of time you watch the media on TV, Read positive stories of survival and perseverance and Surround Yourself with Positive People. Choose to be positive and you will enrich your life and those around you!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Wow, What a Film!

I serendipitously attended a sneak preview of a documentary, Mythic Journey, in Atlanta last Saturday.

Well all I can say is WOW! I was totally taken aback by the quality professional production, the great editing and most importantly, the theme and lesson of the film.

I consider this to be the best spiritual documentary I've ever seen! It knocks the socks off of "The Secret", "What the Bleep do I Know", and all the others I've seen. It deeply moved me, it made me think, and most importantly it rekindled my spirit and opened my heart!

It's a timely piece that should be seen by everyone in the US. We are all in desperate need to identify and speak our story to our friends and family and community!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Release the Guilt

Each day is a new beginning and a fresh start to reaching your health and fitness goals. If yesterday you overate or didn’t exercise as planned, then so be it.

Falling into guilt only perpetuates the desire to overeat again and exercise even less. Do whatever you need to do to release guilt. Write it out, talk it out or perform a ritual from your church—whatever. Then let it go.

Releasing guilt will give your energy back to make healthier choices today.

Slip into a moment of relaxation as you release the guilt!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I AM Perfect Health!

Hold the vision of perfect health closely. What does that look like to you? More importantly, what does that feel like? Can you feel and see yourself with boundless energy, vitality, and joy?

Feeling the vision helps to make it happen! By holding the vision closely and truly feeling perfect health while affirming it so, will move you toward your health and fitness goals with ease.

Slip into a moment of relaxation as you affirm I AM Perfect Health...

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