"Two men look out the same prison bars; one sees mud and the other sees stars." - Frederick Langbridge
Have you ever heard the phrase, “We become part of what we are around?” The people you associate with have a profound affect on how you feel and ultimately what you achieve!
How do you feel after listening to negative people? You probably feel listless and drained, right? Renowned Psychologist and Motivational Speaker, Jack Canfield, describes them as “energy vampires” – they suck all the positive energy out of you. On the other hand, how do you feel when you’re around people who are positive and enthusiastic? I’ll bet you have more energy and are encouraged and inspired.
We have a choice in who we hang out with. I’m not talking about your spouse or significant other. I’m referring to relationships both at work and in your leisure time. I have a relative who is very negative. She is as Canfield describes an “energy vampire." I’ve had to put limits on my involvement with her. I haven’t abandoned her but I do not go out of my way to call her. I am in favor of trying to help those who are negative. I think we should make efforts to steer them in a more positive direction. But if we’ve tried for many years and that person insists on being negative, maybe it’s time to severely limit the amount of time we spend with that person. Those who occupy your time have a significant impact on your most priceless possession…your mind!
In the last few years there has been a growing body of psychological research bearing out the power that one individual’s mood can have on others. Psychologists call it “Emotional Contagion." A long term researcher, Richard Saavedra, from the University of New Hampshire states, “It is one of the most robust phenomena I’ve ever seen. And it’s all unconscious.”
We become part of what we are around! Surround Yourself with Positive People.
1 comment:
The book The Celestine Prophecy brought this exact thing to my attention 10 years ago. Once I read it and I started paying attention I found that it is so true. Who you hang around makes the biggest difference in your life. Sometimes I find that the biggest energy vampires can be your own family so it can be hard to axe the negativity.
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