Monday, April 8, 2013

"Up Where You Belong"~Joe Cocker

Does a song ever appear in your mind clear out of the blue?  This happens to me fairly often.  I used to wonder, "Where did that come from?   What made me think of it?"  I know I had not recently heard it  and nothing just happened that could have created a memory of it.  If I don't know all the lyrics, I've learned to find them, because invariably there's a message in the song that I need a reminding of or need to learn! It seems to be one way that Spirit teaches me.   This is the case yesterday with Joe Cocker's, "Up Where You Belong."

Verse 1:

Who knows what tomorrow brings
In a world where few hearts survive
All I know is the way I feel
When it's real
I keep it alive

The road is long
There are mountains in the way
But we climb a step every day


Love lift us up where we belong
Where the eagles cry
On a mountain high
Love lift us up where we belong
Far from the world we know
Up where the clear winds blow

Verse 2:

Some hang on to used to be
Live their lives looking behind
When all we have is here and now
All our lives
Out there to find

The road is long
There are mountains in the way
But we climb a step every day


I realized after reading the lyrics,  I once again had fallen into focusing on the past and worrying about the future!  This, of course, always dilutes the present moment and generally provokes fear and dis-ease!  It is impossible to experience Love on any level with this mindset! 

Love does lift us up where we belong but we have to make the conscious choice to be in Love and not fear!  This sounds so easy doesn't it?  That is, just make the choice!  I've found that certain times it's easier than others.  It depends on the circumstances involved.  Yet, ultimately, it is always a choice. 

For me to switch from fear to Love, I know it is time for me to... "Be still and know I AM, God" (Psalms 46:10).  I've found this to be a very powerful mantra in meditation.  I repeat it until I feel His Love which lifts us up where we belong!


My favorite "MiniGems" on "Living in the Now!"

Denna J. Shelton, Copyright 2013

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