Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Disappointment, The Nurse of Wisdom

"Disappointment is the nurse of wisdom." ~Sir Boyle Roche

I will be the first to admit that I become easily

disappointed.   This is probably due to overly high expectations.  However, I 

have painfully learned that a degree of disappointment is part of the human

experience.  It is not pleasurable--no one enjoys disappointment and it 

always brings up the question:  Why? 

It is the "why," asked not in victimhood, but in a desire to learn and grow 

that holds the gift in disappointment.  In my disappointment, if I withdraw

momentarily to re-evaluate, re-assess, and re-group, I can usually discern 

the lesson from the dissapointment and then charge forth with

new wisdom.   I  have a grateful heart for the gift in my disappointment: 

personal growth!  This lies in every disappointment, if you allow it.

Denna J. Shelton, Copyright, 2013

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