Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Transformative Gratitude

As Thanksgiving approaches, thoughts turn to gratitude. For some, it’s the once-a-year holiday ritual around the dinner table as each person states what they are most thankful for, i.e: family, health, job, etc.

Having an attitude of gratitude throughout the year, however, is nothing short of transformative. That’s because of the universal law that states: What you focus on expands. In other words, what you appreciate appreciates. And, where attention goes, energy flows. 

Here are a few of my favorite quotes that help remind me to have an attitude of gratitude throughout the year!

"It's not happy people who are thankful, it's thankful people who are happy."~unknown

"Saying thank you is more than good manners. It is good spirituality." - Alfred Painter

"I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

"Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty." - Doris Day

"Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings." - William Arthur Ward

"Reflect upon your present blessings of which every man has plenty: not on your past misfortunes of which all men have some." - Charles Dickens

"Life without thankfulness is devoid of love and passion. Hope without thankfulness is lacking in fine perception. Faith without thankfulness lacks strength and fortitude. Every virtue divorced from thankfulness is maimed and limps along the spiritual road." - John Henry Jowett

                                                HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Denna J. Shelton, Copyright 2013

Friday, November 15, 2013

Spread the Love...

Spread the Love…

I’ve watched over the past few weeks, while driving in to town, a beagle puppy with no collar run up and down Hwy 197.  He was the cutest thing, his little legs going a-mile-a-minute.  I immediately fell in love with him and wondered why I kept seeing him?  Didn’t this darling puppy have a home? One day I asked a lady who lived off the highway if she knew anything about the puppy as I was very interested in taking him home with me.  She said, “I wish you would because he chases my cats and eats their food!”  I definitely had her blessing but she also stated, “Good luck catching him!”

Hwy 197 is a very curvy, busy road and not conducive to pulling your car over or parking on it.    Yet, I did just that several times in attempt to lure the spotted, floppy-eared puppy into my car.    With his tail between his legs, he’d just run the opposite direction.  He was frightened and not trusting.  Then two days went by with no sign of the dog.  Alarmed, I called the local shelter and, sure enough, a beagle had been brought in that morning.  I went to the shelter (a heart-wrenching experience itself), but much to my surprise, it was not the roaming beagle off 197.  Disappointed I could only hope that someone else had rescued the little fella.  Yet, I kept my eyes peeled for him.

Living in the mountains/country, we have what are called “convenience centers.”   This is where you take your trash and recycling materials.  Our convenience center was located off 197, near where I had seen the puppy. Lo and behold, one morning about two weeks after my shelter experience I was taking my trash to the convenience center, and I spied my beagle!   The worker at the center was throwing food to him from inside his office.  I approached the man and asked him about the dog, saying I’d like to help the puppy find a home.    He told me he had been feeding him for several weeks and had to do so from his office or the dog would run off.    He, too, gave me his blessing and “wished me luck” in catching the frightened puppy.  I sensed the man would be happy for the beagle to have a home, but also would miss the relationship the two of them already had established.

I attempted to slowly approach our four-legged friend with food, calling him with my feminine voice thinking that would differentiate me from the man’s failed attempts to catch him.   Of course, Mr. Beagle took off faster than you could shake a stick.  I left feeling defeated but also, as I look at many things in life, thought… “If it is meant to be, it will be.”   But I wasn’t going to sit back passively hoping to rescue him either.  I began thinking of nets and other strategies.  This puppy was in my thoughts and heart more and more with each passing day.  I knew freezing temperatures were approaching and I became very concerned about his well-being.  

Yesterday morning, on my way to an important meeting, I turned a sharp curve and there was my furry friend but this time, lying off the highway as if in a deep, peaceful sleep.  I abruptly pulled my car over as others laid on their horns while they angrily passed me by—I didn’t care.    I ran towards him hoping I was not too late.   I found him with his eyes shut and his breath so faint that it was barely noticeable.  I bent down and looked into his face. His eyes opened while he left his body.   He had frozen to death.

I was devastated! The “If only….’s” began rushing through my mind as fast as the beagle’s short legs had run from me.   I then embraced his frozen body into my arms and placed it in the back of my car.   My plan was to take him home and bury him on our property.  But I felt compelled to stop by the convenience center not knowing if the same man who was feeding our puppy would be on duty.  He was.  I told him I found our furry friend just moments ago….  He was visibly saddened.  But when I told him I had the puppy in my car and planned on burying him he brightened up and said he had been blessed by the beagle puppy and he’d like to bury him on his property which was close by.  I agreed.  When he picked up the stiffened body he commented that he took great comfort and pride that the puppy was so heavy.   I said, “Yes, you fed him well.”   We parted with tears running down both of our faces.

This beagle was homeless, afraid, and struggled for his survival.  Yet, I strongly feel he knew at a certain level that he was loved during his short time on earth by a convenience center worker and a determined, some-what obsessed, lady.   And without need of saying, he certainly knows he is deeply loved where he is now!  

His life, to me, was representative of the loneliness, fear and struggles that lie in each of us.  There is no difference between any of us.  We share common humanity with the same feelings and emotions.  Acknowledging and accepting our likeness should allow not only compassion for others but for our own selves.   We are all one in the eyes of God and our furry counterparts are every bit as important as those of us who walk on two legs.  It is vital for us to know and remember our inner-connection to one another and spread our love to each passing one we meet; furry or not.   I think my beagle buddy, if he could speak now, would say, “Spread the Love…”

Denna J. Shelton, Copyright 2013


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Come Home to Your Breath

Come Home
to Your Breath…

Sights seen
 sounds heard
touch felt
food tasted
aromas smelt
your very Breath

Receive Me
breathe deeply
It is me loving you

Allow Me
your Breath

Trust Me
your Breath
Know Me
without words
In stillness
You’ll find Me

 Come Home
to your Breath

It’s time
your Breath


Copyright 2013, Denna J. Shelton

Sunday, November 3, 2013

You are a Genius

Albert Einstein said, “Each child is born a genius.”    Was he speaking of our I.Q.?   I think not. I believe he was speaking of our ability to create.  Every human is born with creativity.  It’s as natural for human beings to create as it is for fish to swim or birds to fly.  We are all blessed with innate creative ability.  We were created in the image of the Creator of All, I AM. Therefore, we have an inherited ability to create or co-create with God.   We can, however, stifle our and our children’s  creativity by not acknowledging and nurturing its existence.  We then miss an essential element of the human experience.  After all, what do human beings do?  What makes human beings different from other creatures?  Perhaps more than anything, it is the human capacity to consciously create.

In studies designed to uncover the variables that predict creativity—what makes one person more creative than the other—researchers looked at IQ, socioeconomic background, education, and a host of other factors.  They were surprised to discover that the only variable that could reliably predict whether or not an individual would demonstrate creative ability was the individual’s belief that he or she was a creative person.  People who believe they are creative actually are more so.  The first step then, to uncovering your or your child’s creative power, is to embrace and celebrate that you and your child (like everyone else in their truest nature) are a creative person.

One of the most noted creative genius is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.  He said to have written many of his finest works as if taking dictation.  He described the state of mind that best facilitated his capacity to receive ideas.  He said, “It is  when I am, as it were, completely myself, entirely alone, and of good cheer….that ideas flow best and most abundantly.  Whence they come, I know not, nor can I force them.”  As Mozart said, being alone, quieting your mind, getting away from the noise of modern life, puts you in a frame of mind that encourages your reception of creative ideas.

Each human being, including you and your child, is a genius.  We are born with our own special creative gifts.    When we accept that we in our truest nature are no better, no worse, and no different from anyone else, we are free to be who we are as unique individuals. When we accept that we were created in the image of the Creator of All, I AM  we can embrace our natural gifts  and share them with the world.   I believe we cannot overlook how crucially important it is to know the genius that lies in ourselves and our children.  We must shift from our cognitive, analytical mind and embrace the intuitive, creative nature of who we are to live a life of authenticity and balance.  You and your child are geniuses.  Own it, live it, and en-joy!

I AM Joy video clip...

Click here, for more I AM video clips!

Denna J. Shelton, Copyright 2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I AM... Two Little Words that Deliver a Big Punch!

Just as we possess the genetic information of our earthly parents and ancestors, so do we possess the genetic information of our spiritual Mother/Father.  You were created in the image of the I AM. The I AM is the God-like nature that exists in you. This is a big deal!  The I AM comes from “I AM THAT I AM,” the name God revealed to Moses when he said, “This is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.”  When we say, ”I AM,” we are claiming the God-like nature and creative power within us. 

Affirmations are powerful statements about you either positively or negatively. Every time you make a mental affirmation, your subconscious mind hears it and adjusts towards the reality of that statement. The subconscious does not filter, it just acts on your statements.  It is important that you feed yourself positive thoughts about who you are. I AM Affirmations are especially powerful statements. Whenever you say, “I AM …..” you are saying “God in me is…….”. You are summoning God’s power within you to bring about constructive change whether you say “I am sick”, “I am tired”, “I am having a great day” or “I am healthy”. This is because the state of your mind is influenced by what you think and by what you say.

When I began practicing I AM Affirmations, I initially had a difficult time overriding negative self-talk with the positive! It was only when I began practicing meditation combining I AM Affirmations that I was able to experience the feelings of the positive affirmations. In experiencing the feelings of the words, I was then able to believe them! It was then that the negative habitual talk became less frequent. And when it did arise, I then was able to shift to positive truths more easily.

The truth is, we are extensions of the Divine; children of God. All the wonderful qualities of God are within me and YOU!  Own it!  Believe it!  Live it!  Step into the full expression of your magnificence.  This isn't to say you are perfect.  No one is perfect.  It is to say, you are a powerful co-creator with the Creator of All.  Affirm and most importantly feel your worth using I AM to bring joy, peace, and love to you and therefore, others.  It is your birthright!

Copyright 2013, Denna J. Shelton

I AM... Peace meditation clip...

For more I AM video samples, click here.

Monday, July 15, 2013

The Power of Ten

"I don't have time" has got to be the number one excuse for not implementing practices such as meditation and physical exercise that have been proven to have tremendous mental, physical and spiritual benefits.  I've heard this excuse over and over in my twenty-five years in the wellness industry. Heck, I've said it myself from time to time.   "Not having enough time" on a regular basis, however, can no longer be an excuse when you know "The Power of Ten." 

The American College of Sports Medicine's guidelines for physical fitness is 20-30 minutes of aerobic activity, 3 - 5 days a week, and strength training two days a week working all the major muscles, 8-10 repetitions each.  Looking at this prescription, when you already have a packed schedule, can be very daunting--no doubt about it.  Here is the good news:  You can divide the 20 minutes of aerobic activity.  Studies have shown proven benefits from performing aerobic activity for 10 minutes twice a day.  For example, 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening.  We all know the benefits of regular aerobic activity but let me remind you:  improved circulatory system; prevention of Type 2 Diabetes; 50% reduction in cardiovascular disease; improved self-esteem; less depression and anxiety.  It is also very gratifying to climb a flight of stairs without sucking wind! 

I've been accustomed to spending about an hour at the gym with strength training, but it has not worked for me in the past couple of years. I found myself procrastinating and often skipping my workouts.   That is, until I discovered The Power of Ten workout by Adam Zickerman and Bill Schley.  (I've had their book for a few years now but was skeptical.)  This works for me!  I now only spend 20 minutes at the gym and am working twice as hard while there.  The workout is basically performing your repetitions to failure in 20 second increments; 10 seconds up and 10 seconds down for each repetition. Weight training is the "key to the kingdom of physical fitness" say Zickerman and Schley, who are stronger proponents of weight training than aerobic training.   It's interesting how gradually it has become less about a sculpted body for me and more about the prevention of osteoporosis.  It also gives me great confidence to know I can move that heavy box, piece of furniture, and grandchild when he/she comes along.

Don't leave here... Give me 10 more seconds!  This is very exciting to me! Research scientists at The Institute of Heart Math have proven that thought from the conscious mind attached to a strong feeling from the subconscious mind creates an energetic pattern or a belief in the heart.  It has proven that our hearts are quite literally at the core of the electromagnetic fields (EMF) that communicate with our brains and the cells of our bodies.  The heart's EMF is 5,000 times stronger than the brain and measures at least 8-10 feet outside of the body. This powerful EMF of the heart tells the brain which chemicals such as hormones and endorphins to produce in the body at any given time.  More precisely our feelings tell our brains which chemicals to produce in the body at any given time.  This form of energy informs your brain and each of your cells about your heart state be it happy, sad, excited, depressed, etc.  Every time you have an emotionally charged thought from a strong belief held in your heart, your body responds either in healthy or unhealthy ways.  And because these heart-based feelings create electromagnetic waves that extend outside the body, science is also saying they influence the energy that forms the atoms of our world.  Our inner world literally affects our outer. 

Quoting Greg Bradden from his book, The Spontaneous Healing of Belief,  "We are speaking to the world around us in each moment of every day through a language that has no words:  The beliefs of our hearts.  It makes perfect sense that the power to change our bodies and our world is focused in the one place that's long been associated with the spiritual qualities that makes us who we are:  the heart."   I believe in spending only 10 minutes a day to connect our hearts to an all loving power, God--I AM, we create tremendous healing for ourselves and our world.   This can be done through meditation, prayer, art, listening to soothing music, a walk through nature, etc.  There is not a perfect way.  The perfect way is what works for you in connecting your heart to the power of unconditional Love!   The key to the kingdom of Love is connecting your heart to the Creator of All, and allowing this love to permeate every cell of your body flowing forth into the world.

Surely now is the time for each of us to take personal responsibility for what betters the whole.  We are mental, physical, spiritual beings gifted with life itself.  We are contributing to the whole by what lies within our hearts.  Loving thoughts towards ourselves and others are difficult when we do not feel good physically.  Loving thoughts towards ourselves and others are difficult, if we do not refrain from the noise of the world and connect our hearts to the power of unconditional Love--God, I AM.  Implement The Power of Ten!  Take 10 minutes a day to connect your spiritual heart to unconditional love of God, I AM.  Take 10 minutes twice a day for your physical heart and other health benefits; take 10 seconds up and 10 seconds down on your repetitions for muscle strength.  I do believe more than ever, now is the time.

Copyright, Denna J. Shelton, 2013

I AM Love video clip from TwentyGems series...


Monday, April 8, 2013

"Up Where You Belong"~Joe Cocker

Does a song ever appear in your mind clear out of the blue?  This happens to me fairly often.  I used to wonder, "Where did that come from?   What made me think of it?"  I know I had not recently heard it  and nothing just happened that could have created a memory of it.  If I don't know all the lyrics, I've learned to find them, because invariably there's a message in the song that I need a reminding of or need to learn! It seems to be one way that Spirit teaches me.   This is the case yesterday with Joe Cocker's, "Up Where You Belong."

Verse 1:

Who knows what tomorrow brings
In a world where few hearts survive
All I know is the way I feel
When it's real
I keep it alive

The road is long
There are mountains in the way
But we climb a step every day


Love lift us up where we belong
Where the eagles cry
On a mountain high
Love lift us up where we belong
Far from the world we know
Up where the clear winds blow

Verse 2:

Some hang on to used to be
Live their lives looking behind
When all we have is here and now
All our lives
Out there to find

The road is long
There are mountains in the way
But we climb a step every day


I realized after reading the lyrics,  I once again had fallen into focusing on the past and worrying about the future!  This, of course, always dilutes the present moment and generally provokes fear and dis-ease!  It is impossible to experience Love on any level with this mindset! 

Love does lift us up where we belong but we have to make the conscious choice to be in Love and not fear!  This sounds so easy doesn't it?  That is, just make the choice!  I've found that certain times it's easier than others.  It depends on the circumstances involved.  Yet, ultimately, it is always a choice. 

For me to switch from fear to Love, I know it is time for me to... "Be still and know I AM, God" (Psalms 46:10).  I've found this to be a very powerful mantra in meditation.  I repeat it until I feel His Love which lifts us up where we belong!


My favorite "MiniGems" on "Living in the Now!"

Denna J. Shelton, Copyright 2013

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Disappointment, The Nurse of Wisdom

"Disappointment is the nurse of wisdom." ~Sir Boyle Roche

I will be the first to admit that I become easily

disappointed.   This is probably due to overly high expectations.  However, I 

have painfully learned that a degree of disappointment is part of the human

experience.  It is not pleasurable--no one enjoys disappointment and it 

always brings up the question:  Why? 

It is the "why," asked not in victimhood, but in a desire to learn and grow 

that holds the gift in disappointment.  In my disappointment, if I withdraw

momentarily to re-evaluate, re-assess, and re-group, I can usually discern 

the lesson from the dissapointment and then charge forth with

new wisdom.   I  have a grateful heart for the gift in my disappointment: 

personal growth!  This lies in every disappointment, if you allow it.

Denna J. Shelton, Copyright, 2013

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Stress-free Mom and Calm Baby

Having gone through two pregnancies myself, I know this is a very special time for a woman and her family. It is a time of many changes in a woman’s body, in her emotions and in the life of her family. As welcomed as they may be, these changes often add new stresses to the lives of busy pregnant women who already face many demands at home and at work. I know from my personal experience that there is an amazing difference in a newborn whose mother was extremely stressed throughout her pregnancy vs. a mother who was calm. Meditation during pregnancy can be the solution.

Studies have shown that regular meditation increases serotonin; a powerful “feel good” hormone which contributes to feelings of happiness and contentment which can help mothers avoid pre-natal and post-natal depression. Recent research suggests that meditation while nurturing your baby is a contributing factor in having a peaceful and content baby after birth.

Many people shy away from meditation because it uses valuable time and can be frustrating if you don’t experience quick results. “Twenty Gems, Journeys to the Self” provide the benefits of meditation during pregnancy in a short and gratifying process. Each visual meditation leads you through an 11-minute journey of skillfully combined imagery of nature scenery, mesmerizing graphic animation and soothing music while instantly relaxing and healing, where you emerge feeling calm and rejuvenated. The optional positive affirmations throughout encourage healthy self-esteem, self-acceptance, and empowerment.

Here’s what a few have said:

I have been looking for weeks for a DVD with beautiful images that could provide relaxation. Finally during a flight on US Airways I discovered TwentyGems which was showing as the boarding video. It is exactly what I’ve been looking for. You must let other pregnant mothers know about this production. By the way, it was the most relaxed flight I’ve ever taken.” – Kayla

My two-and-half-month old son is a very colicky baby who cries a lot. I placed him in front of our television with TwentyGems and he went from a fussy state to cooing with delight. He watched the whole 44 minutes!” – Theresa, Atlanta, GA

… “As a psychologist, I have seen many similar products and none compare to these. The caliber of the spoken words and dynamic, exotic, and serene visuals is unlike anything else. I would highly recommend these materials to anyone who desires to slip into total relaxation and feel better than they thought possible.” - Kathleen Nickerson, PhD, Laguna Beach, CA

“I agreed to baby sit my four month old grandchild on a day I had so much to do. I placed him in his swing in front of TwentyGems hoping to occupy him for a brief while. Much to my amazement he watched the entire 44 minute loop twice! He was totally entertained while joyously interacting with these beautiful visuals!” – Jolene, Kansas City, MO

Watching TwentyGems only eleven minutes a day on a regular basis as meditation for pregnancy will help your body and mind to work in harmony not only as you prepare for the birth of your new baby but also for a content baby after birth.

Here is a sample,” I AM Harmony” from Volume 1. Experience it for your Self…

Copyright 2013, Denna J. Shelton