Wednesday, January 1, 2014

What if the Hokey Pokey Really IS What It's All About?

Hanging in my hallway, where I can read it often is a sign with the words, What if the Hokey Pokey really is What It’s All About?  I bought it a few years back thinking it would be a great reminder to lighten up, to not take myself, or life, too seriously.   I had become very aware that with life’s ups and downs and unpredictability, that the ultimate goal, the only one that makes sense, has to be to live in Joy.

I’ve found that Joy is not dependent on what happens or doesn’t happen or what’s considered good or bad or on anything that lies outside of me.  It is 100% dependent on my perspective and the thoughts I believe to be true.  I have made it a practice to question the thoughts that take me out of Joy.  What I have found is stressful thoughts cannot be proven to be 100% true.   (My practice is largely based on a great book, A Thousand Names for Joy by Byron Katie.)  Therefore, I choose not to believe them!   It’s basically that simple.   This is not about being in denial.  It’s about being real.

I believe our divine birthright is a glorious adventure of Joy.  Unfortunately, at a very young age we are taught to believe quite differently.  But as adults we clearly have the choice to believe or not believe the negative perspectives and thoughts that rob us of our Joy.

In 2014, my goal continues to be that of being in Joy—all else is just gravy.  At the end of the day for me… The Hokey Pokey IS What It’s All about!  Oh, and the bottle of Joy in photo?  Just another “friendly reminder” that sits on my kitchen counter.

Joyous 2014 Everyone!

Copyright 2014, Denna J. Shelton

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