Thursday, March 27, 2014

Set-point in the Game of Life

Those who know me well- know that I can be highly competitive.  Perhaps this is because my birthday is March 21st... I’m an Aires.  One of the characteristics of an Aires is to be competitive.  Or, perhaps it’s because I had two older brothers who I adored and with this, I played hard and won for their approval.  Maybe this pattern has continued and transferred into a lot of areas in my life.   It’s probably a combination of both.  But enough of that!  The psychoanalysis is not important.  The bottom line is I’m competitive.  I certainly don’t see this as a flaw. Yet, I always thought it had to be properly channeled and kept in check.   Recently- it dawned on me that maybe, just maybe, this aspect of me could be used in a glorious way.  That is, I could use my competitiveness to be of service to others.  

I  committed many years ago to be of service to others.   This is nothing new for me.  However, I always felt my competitive nature needed to stay separate.  Up to now-I didn’t think being of service and competitive could peacefully coexist.  Finally, I decided to consult Spirit, which I often do about many things.  (The older I get, the less I pursue any idea or decision without first checking in; a lot less heartaches and headaches this way!)  The question being, “How can I incorporate my competitive nature in service to others?”

In meditation, I clearly heard “Love-All” and “Set-point.”   Although I’ve never played tennis, I’ve watched enough of it to know these terms are used in keeping score. “What exactly does this mean?” I asked.   Those are short phrases, but are all I heard.   Now- not only am I competitive but also contemplative.  This is probably because March 21st is also on the cusp; therefore, I have many Piscean qualities….  OK, OK, I digress!

I looked up Love-All and Set-point on Wikipedia to make sure they meant what I thought.  Love-All in tennis means “zero to zero.”  Neither player has any points.  Set-point is the last point needed to win the game. A light bulb went off!  Spirit is using the analogy of the game of tennis to the game of life.   Hmmmm…, we all know we are to love our neighbor as we love ourselves; another way of saying-Love-All.  But how many of us look at life as a game?   And is self-mastery, as Jesus so perfectly demonstrated, clearly and simply to “Love-All.”    (How did the game of life become so complicated?)  Doesn’t “Love-All” mean just that-love everyone!  That doesn’t mean we love the horrific acts of violence, etc., but I do think it means love even those who commit them; love your enemy!  Also, Love All those parts of yourself that you may not be so happy with. Bring them into the Light to coexist peacefully in service to others. Could Love-All, “zero to zero” imply equanimity?  We are all equal and loved equally by the very Creator of the game of life?  When we arrive to the ‘point’ of loving all, is it the “set-point”;  the last point to winning the game of life? Is that the meaning of life, to love all?  Will we soar victoriously with a gold cup?  I think so!

Now my competitive juices are flowing more than ever in the game of life.  I’m playing this match with all the competitiveness I can muster to self-mastery:  Love-All; the set point!  Who is my competition on the other side of the net?  Anything or anyone (including myself) who tells me Love-All is not the answer! Bring it on.  I’m ready!  You will receive back over the net… The strongest ‘back-handed’ dose of love you could have ever imagined… Set Point!

Denna J. Shelton, Copyright 2014

Video clip from my meditation series,  "I AM... Love"

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Don't Die with Your Song Still in You!

"More important than learning how to recall things is finding ways to forget things that are cluttering the mind." ~ Eric Butterworth

I've found there is one clutter, above all others we must eliminate from our minds if we want to begin living the life of our dreams. It's worrying about what other people think! Worrying about what other people think! If we eliminate this one clutter, then we will be free to follow our dreams. So what can you do to clear the clutter; to stop worrying about what others think? I have two steps that worked for me!

#1 Monitor your "inner speech," make sure it is your own and it matches your dreams!

There's probably a long list of people, most of them relatives I'd bet, who have strong ideas about what you should be doing, who you should become, how you should act and how you should be thinking. If your thoughts are cluttered with what others expect of you, you'll continue to live a life that is not your own. So whenever you hear yourself saying anything like - "What would they think of me," or "what would people say," and "people will laugh at me," realize what these thoughts really represent. They are other people's opinions that you are allowing to prevent you from following your dreams. It was Dr. Seuss who said, "Say what you mean and act as you feel, because those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter." Monitor your "inner speech," make sure it is your own and it matches your dreams!

#2 Step out of your comfort zone and ACT toward you dream. In other words, you must DO, ACT, SAY whatever it is that you need to follow you dream without regard to what others think.

It can be a simple statement to someone you trust about your dream. It may be to enroll in a class that pertains to your dream. It may be to buy a book about your dream. It really doesn't matter what you do, so long as you DO something to get the ball rolling and keep it rolling. There's an old Irish Proverb that says, "You will never plough a field, if you only turn it over in your mind." Step out of your comfort zone and ACT toward your dream. You must DO, ACT, SAY whatever it is that you need to follow your dream without regard to what others think.

What makes you happy? What makes your heart sing? Not the heart of your relatives, friends or co-workers, but your heart? Whatever it may be, you can have that life, that dream if you will only stop worrying about what others think and take the simple action steps toward that dream.

The world now more than ever is in need of your dream, your song. You have a song to sing! Don't Die with Your Song Still in You!

Affirmation:    "I AM free to sing my song!"

Denna J. Shelton, Copyright, 2014

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

20 Mini-Gems for Your Best Year Ever

1. Decide your own Truth. If the belief you are adhering to does not bring Joy, Peace, Harmony and Love, put it aside and choose another.

2Have a playful spirit; even in your daily responsibilities. Not only will you feel better but so will those around you.

3Be at peace. Surrender to your higher power; take action as divinely guided, and trust all is working towards the best.

4Let go of perfection. Freely express without the fear of imperfection. Perfection is the killer of Joy.

5. Forgive yourself and others which creates the flow of Love your heart so deeply desires.

6. Be Hopeful. Visualize and feel the change you wish to experience. Hold steadfast to this new vision. Know that the change you desire is on its way.

7Strive for Balance in Mind, Body and Spirit. Think positive thoughts, move, nourish, and rest your body and find the spiritual practice that is right for you!

8. Focus on Harmonious feelings and let go of discord. You are one with all there is; never separate or alone.

9. Ask for divine protection when fear has overcome you. Your angels are at your service on any moment's notice.

10. Express your anger in loving ways that are not harmful to yourself and others.

11See humor in yourself and situations. Laugh out loud several times daily; keeping a light heart.

12Embrace your sensuality. Put aside all inhibitions. You're a beautiful, sensual being! Freely express all of aspects of yourself in perfect balance.

13Have a grateful heart for what is and be open to receive the blessings God so desires to give you.

14. Discard judgments of yourself and others. Choose thoughts that are uplifting and inspiring. Spirit is not judging you; only encouraging your growth and expansion.

15. Step out of the pressure cooker! Do your best each day and know it is enough.

16. Replace the "Yes but...." with "I will...." The only limitations you have are the ones self-imposed.

17. Practice self-acceptance. Without self-acceptance there is no self-love. Without self-love it is impossible to give and accept love from others.

18. Be gentle with yourself. When you are gentle and nurturing to yourself, then you have feelings of worthiness. You are worthy!

19Quiet the mind chatter and connect with your heart-your true essence-your spirit. This is the only way to stay centered in the Truth as to Who You Truly Are - a magnificence expression of the Divine.

20. Embrace your Authentic Power. You're a Powerful Being; a co-creator of the Source of All There Is. 

Copyright 2014, Denna J. Shelton

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

What if the Hokey Pokey Really IS What It's All About?

Hanging in my hallway, where I can read it often is a sign with the words, What if the Hokey Pokey really is What It’s All About?  I bought it a few years back thinking it would be a great reminder to lighten up, to not take myself, or life, too seriously.   I had become very aware that with life’s ups and downs and unpredictability, that the ultimate goal, the only one that makes sense, has to be to live in Joy.

I’ve found that Joy is not dependent on what happens or doesn’t happen or what’s considered good or bad or on anything that lies outside of me.  It is 100% dependent on my perspective and the thoughts I believe to be true.  I have made it a practice to question the thoughts that take me out of Joy.  What I have found is stressful thoughts cannot be proven to be 100% true.   (My practice is largely based on a great book, A Thousand Names for Joy by Byron Katie.)  Therefore, I choose not to believe them!   It’s basically that simple.   This is not about being in denial.  It’s about being real.

I believe our divine birthright is a glorious adventure of Joy.  Unfortunately, at a very young age we are taught to believe quite differently.  But as adults we clearly have the choice to believe or not believe the negative perspectives and thoughts that rob us of our Joy.

In 2014, my goal continues to be that of being in Joy—all else is just gravy.  At the end of the day for me… The Hokey Pokey IS What It’s All about!  Oh, and the bottle of Joy in photo?  Just another “friendly reminder” that sits on my kitchen counter.

Joyous 2014 Everyone!

Copyright 2014, Denna J. Shelton