Wednesday, April 7, 2010

New Beginnings

"Spring nourishes new buds of potential, ripe with the promise of bright new blossoms of joy and purpose."~unknown

Nature demonstrates for us so perfectly how to dance to the rhythm of life. Our lives, as in nature, are dynamic, ever changing and evolving. When we are stagnant in our own lives we have left the joyous dance and the natural rhythm of life. We have stepped out of experiencing rebirth to new experiences, learning, and growth.

Spring has sprung in nature. New growth is occurring after a cold or snow-laden winter. Flower seedlings are moving towards the Sun reaching for nourishment, expansion and full potential. They become the peak of expression and offer others their beauty . Countless flowers, each individualized and unique. This occurs Spring after Spring. Never yet has there been a Springtime when the buds forgot to bloom.

May this Spring remind us to eloquently dance to the rhythm of life, face the Light and open ourselves to new experiences, growth, joy and most importantly Love! Offering our unique beauty, expression and Love to others. Nature has resumed her loveliness. Are you ready to revive your soul?

Happy Spring, Happy You!
Denna J. Shelton, Copyright, 2010

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