If you are one of the brave ones who still says “Merry Christmas” versus “Happy Holidays”, good for you! But even when you say, “Merry Christmas”, do you say it in the spirit of what it really is or do you say it stressed to the max because of the added financial burden or seeming lack of time for tree decorating, shopping, baking, etc.? Every Christmas season (which seems to roll around faster every year), the challenge is to remember what “Christmas” is all about. Many would certainly say it is everything but “Merry!” I want to share with you what I believe a “Merry Christmas” represents along with one simple suggestion to make it the “Merriest” ever!
My favorite part from the "Sermon on the Mount" is when Jesus says, “Ye are the Light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel but on a candlestick and it gives light unto all that are in the house. Let your Light shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:14-16 (King James) Jesus’ birth and life was to help you to remember who you are. You have a Divine Spark of Light within to live a compassionate, powerful and miraculous life! The Christmas season is the time to reawaken to that Divine Spark of Light that lies deep within your heart – to remember who you are! As you do this, then you can shine your Light brightly throughout the Christmas season demonstrating a life of love and compassion as did Jesus! What better present could you possibly give to your friends and family?! It is the same gift God gave to you through the birth of Jesus – a Divine Light shining brightly into the darkness! A “Merry Christmas” is the “Joy” of you shining your “Light” brightly, beaming love and compassion as Jesus so perfectly demonstrated.
So how do you reconnect to that Divine Light within to have the Merriest Christmas ever? Here is what works for me: 10-15 minutes a day in meditation. Meditation has been proven to be the quickest, surest way to connect with the Joy within you. I’m sure many of you are now saying, “Oh sure…let me just add that to my list on top of shopping, baking, mailing presents, etc.!” But again, let me ask you…”What is a Merry Christmas?” Wouldn’t the brief but powerful time you spend in meditation be worth having the ability to truly experience a Merry Christmas? Also, many of you are probably saying, “I’ve tried meditation before, I can’t quiet my mind and not only that it kills my knees to sit in the lotus position.” Before you discount this idea, let me tell you there are many, many forms of meditation such as a journey meditation, strolling through nature, focusing on the breath, listening to soulful music and what works for one person may not work for another. Out of all the many forms, I’m confident one will work for you! The main thing is to take the time to remember who you are – to reconnect to that Divine Light within so you may shine your Light brightly as Jesus, not only throughout the Christmas season but every day!
Have a Joyous- Merry Christmas!
Denna J. Shelton, Copyright, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
On Gratitude
"Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot." - The Hausa of Nigeria
As Thanksgiving approaches, thoughts turn to gratitude. For some, it’s the once-a-year holiday ritual around the dinner table as each person states what they are most thankful for, i.e: family, health, job, etc.
Having an attitude of gratitude throughout the year, however, is nothing short of transformative. That’s because of the universal law that states: What you focus on expands. In other words, what you appreciate appreciates. And, where attention goes, energy flows.
Here are a few of my favorite quotes that help remind me to have an attitude of gratitude throughout the year!
"Saying thank you is more than good manners. It is good spirituality." - Alfred Painter
"I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder." - G.K. Chesterton
"Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty." - Doris Day
"Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings." - William Arthur Ward
"Reflect upon your present blessings of which every man has plenty: not on your past misfortunes of which all men have some." - Charles Dickens
"Life without thankfulness is devoid of love and passion. Hope without thankfulness is lacking in fine perception. Faith without thankfulness lacks strength and fortitude. Every virtue divorced from thankfulness is maimed and limps along the spiritual road." - John Henry Jowett
Happy Thanksgiving!
Denna J. Shelton, Copyright, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
I AM... Truth, Gem #1
"The Truth shall set you free." ~Jesus
Truth is not the same for one person as it is to another. Your truth may be different from what you were taught as a child. It may be different from your peers. So, how do your discover your own truth?
If the beliefs you are adhering to do not resonate with your Spirit, then you may be holding onto someone else's truth. If you are having conflicting thoughts or negative emotions, there is a good chance you are not listening to your heart. Stop and ask, "Whose thoughts are these - mine or someone else's?" Ask, "Whose judgments are these...Whose standards are these?" Try on a belief. If it does not bring you happiness, joy, peace harmony and love, put it aside and try another. Your truth is your decision, no one else's.
By spending time daily with yourSelf in quiet meditation, the truth to all your questions and confusion will be revealed to you by Spirit, the Light; as this Light in itself is pure essence and Truth. All matters will be revealed to you in perfect clarity. You must only make yourSelf available to it.
When you know what you believe, stand firm in it and interact from this place. Follow your heart and let it direct you on your journey. Listening to your heart will always lead you to the experiences you desire.
I AM... Truth. My truth sets me free. I find strength in my truth. My truth brings Joy, Peace, Harmony and Love. I honor my Truth. I Am... Truth.
An audio-visual meditation affirming Truth...
Denna J. Shelton. Copyright, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
I AM... Perfect Health, Gem 8
YOU ARE the unique and divine expression of your Creator, God-I AM! YOU ARE created in the divine likeness of Him/Her. YOU ARE here on Earth to experience growth, expansion, love and joy as a co-creator in this likeness. Your physical body is the storehouse of your divine expression, Spirit, designed to facilitate travel for your journey. There are many choices to be made daily in regards to your body. Some choices may or may not support your journey, so be careful what you choose.
Listed below are five components of perfect health. One affects or builds upon the other. Balance of these components support you in a healthy physical body enabling your Spirit to soar.
Movement - Choose the movement that you enjoy to keep your physical body strong, flexible, energized and healthy.
Rest - Give yourself the rest you need to feel balanced and refreshed. Remember your stress level needs to be monitored and attended with Love.
Nourishment - Forget the fad diets out there. When choosing foods, stop and ask these two simple questions: "Is this food honoring my body? Is it giving my body the nutrients needed to support good health and function properly?
Mind - Unhealthy thoughts will create an unhealthy body. Choose thoughts that give you a feeling of wellness. Reject thoughts that give you a feeling of discord. Carefully choose the books you read, the music you listen to, and the movies you watch. All input affects your overall well-being.
Meditation - Spend time either listening to soothing music, strolling in nature, focusing on the breath, or perhaps visualization to name just a few. Choose a form of meditation that YOU enjoy. This will give you keen awareness to who you truly are.
YOUR ARE a unique and divine expression of your Creator. Choose carefully to support your physical body as you travel on your joyous journey.
Affirmation: I AM Perfect Health. I honor my body. I choose healthy foods. I exercise my body. I rest peacefully. I choose positive thoughts. All my choices are healthy. I AM Perfect Health.
A Mini-Meditation Affirming Perfect Health
Denna J. Shelton, Copyright, 2010
Listed below are five components of perfect health. One affects or builds upon the other. Balance of these components support you in a healthy physical body enabling your Spirit to soar.
Movement - Choose the movement that you enjoy to keep your physical body strong, flexible, energized and healthy.
Rest - Give yourself the rest you need to feel balanced and refreshed. Remember your stress level needs to be monitored and attended with Love.
Nourishment - Forget the fad diets out there. When choosing foods, stop and ask these two simple questions: "Is this food honoring my body? Is it giving my body the nutrients needed to support good health and function properly?
Mind - Unhealthy thoughts will create an unhealthy body. Choose thoughts that give you a feeling of wellness. Reject thoughts that give you a feeling of discord. Carefully choose the books you read, the music you listen to, and the movies you watch. All input affects your overall well-being.
Meditation - Spend time either listening to soothing music, strolling in nature, focusing on the breath, or perhaps visualization to name just a few. Choose a form of meditation that YOU enjoy. This will give you keen awareness to who you truly are.
YOUR ARE a unique and divine expression of your Creator. Choose carefully to support your physical body as you travel on your joyous journey.
Affirmation: I AM Perfect Health. I honor my body. I choose healthy foods. I exercise my body. I rest peacefully. I choose positive thoughts. All my choices are healthy. I AM Perfect Health.
A Mini-Meditation Affirming Perfect Health
Denna J. Shelton, Copyright, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Don't Die with Your Song Still in You!
"More important than learning how to recall things is finding ways to forget things that are cluttering the mind." ~ Eric Butterworth
I've found there is one clutter, above all others we must eliminate from our minds if we want to begin living the life of our dreams. It's worrying about what other people think! Worrying about what other people think! If we eliminate this one clutter, then we will be free to follow our dreams. So what can you do to clear the clutter; to stop worrying about what others think? I have two steps that worked for me!
#1 Monitor your "inner speech," make sure it is your own and it matches your dreams!
There's probably a long list of people, most of them relatives I'd bet, who have strong ideas about what you should be doing, who you should become, how you should act and how you should be thinking. If your thoughts are cluttered with what others expect of you, you'll continue to live a life that is not your own. So whenever you hear yourself saying anything like - "What would they think of me," or "what would people say," and "people will laugh at me," realize what these thoughts really represent. They are other people's opinions that you are allowing to prevent you from following your dreams. It was Dr. Seuss who said, "Say what you mean and act as you feel, because those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter." Monitor your "inner speech," make sure it is your own and it matches your dreams!
#2 Step out of your comfort zone and ACT toward you dream. In other words, you must DO, ACT, SAY whatever it is that you need to follow you dream without regard to what others think.
It can be a simple statement to someone you trust about your dream. It may be to enroll in a class that pertains to your dream. It may be to buy a book about your dream. It really doesn't matter what you do, so long as you DO something to get the ball rolling and keep it rolling. There's an old Irish Proverb that says, "You will never plough a field, if you only turn it over in your mind." Step out of your comfort zone and ACT toward your dream. You must DO, ACT, SAY whatever it is that you need to follow your dream without regard to what others think.
What makes you happy? What makes your heart sing? Not the heart of your relatives, friends or co-workers, but your heart? Whatever it may be, you can have that life, that dream if you will only stop worrying about what others think and take the simple actions steps toward that dream.
The world now more than ever is in need of your dream, your song. You have a song to sing! Don't Die with Your Song Still in You!
Affirmation: "I AM free to sing my song!"
Denna J. Shelton, Copyright, 2010
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
New Beginnings

"Spring nourishes new buds of potential, ripe with the promise of bright new blossoms of joy and purpose."~unknown
Nature demonstrates for us so perfectly how to dance to the rhythm of life. Our lives, as in nature, are dynamic, ever changing and evolving. When we are stagnant in our own lives we have left the joyous dance and the natural rhythm of life. We have stepped out of experiencing rebirth to new experiences, learning, and growth.
Nature demonstrates for us so perfectly how to dance to the rhythm of life. Our lives, as in nature, are dynamic, ever changing and evolving. When we are stagnant in our own lives we have left the joyous dance and the natural rhythm of life. We have stepped out of experiencing rebirth to new experiences, learning, and growth.
Spring has sprung in nature. New growth is occurring after a cold or snow-laden winter. Flower seedlings are moving towards the Sun reaching for nourishment, expansion and full potential. They become the peak of expression and offer others their beauty . Countless flowers, each individualized and unique. This occurs Spring after Spring. Never yet has there been a Springtime when the buds forgot to bloom.
May this Spring remind us to eloquently dance to the rhythm of life, face the Light and open ourselves to new experiences, growth, joy and most importantly Love! Offering our unique beauty, expression and Love to others. Nature has resumed her loveliness. Are you ready to revive your soul?
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
There is Power in Feeling Powerless

Although we know there is much in life we cannot control, we also do know that we have the power to think, feel and choose. We are not powerless victims of our circumstances. We are powerful co-creators with God and have the freedom to choose what we will create and experience next.
Every moment gives us the opportunity to choose what we wish to experience. Being aware of our present moments by not looking back in anger or forward in fear gives us the power to choose new and fresh perspectives and therefore experiences. At times this seems impossible and no matter how hard we try we feel powerless. This is when the choice is to ask our Higher Power-God for help! It is in this choice that we find the power in feeling powerless.
You are a magnificent, powerful being. Be aware, choose the experiences that bring you a life of joy and peace. Know that even when you feel powerless the choice is to draw from the power that created you.
Affirmation: I AM a powerful expression of the Divine.
Denna J. Shelton, Copyright, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010

"One must accept their humanness and their godliness."
It is easy to accept the aspects of yourself that you like. Perhaps you have beautiful eyes, quick wit or are athletic. Or maybe you are good with numbers, musically talented or make friends easily. These aspects are easy to accept. What about those others? Perhaps you are unorganized, grumpy in the mornings, lousy at math, or uncoordinated.
Self-acceptance of the good, the bad, and the ugly is a pre-requisite to self-love. Without self-acceptance there is no self-love. Without self-love it is difficult to give and accept love from others.
All aspects of you are serving you on your soul journey. Love all of who you are. Be kind and gentle to yourself. The irony is as you practice self-acceptance, you will find the aspects that you disliked so much have less control or prominence in your life!
Affirmation: I AM... Self-Acceptance. I love all of Who I AM. I let go of all judgment. I accept all parts of myself. I am gentle and kind to myself. I AM... Self-Acceptance.
Denna J. Shelton, Copyright, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
Blue Skies Await You

"If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if the simplest things of nature have a message that you understand, rejoice for your soul is alive." - Eleanora Duse
In storms lightning flashes, thunder booms, rain pours and winds gust sometimes to the point of creating great fear in us and causing damage. Storms do come but they do not last forever. Blue skies always lie ahead.
Just as nature plays out its storms, we have storms in our lives. Storms are part of life, part of our growth and part of the journey.
Nurture yourself through the storms of life either through a connection with someone special, a thing or place. Know what brings you comfort and feelings of safety and bring it to you. Just as in nature, the storm will pass. Let peace and joy return. Your life has purpose. Blue skies await you!
Affirmation: I AM...Safe!
Denna J. Shelton, Copyright, 2010
In storms lightning flashes, thunder booms, rain pours and winds gust sometimes to the point of creating great fear in us and causing damage. Storms do come but they do not last forever. Blue skies always lie ahead.
Just as nature plays out its storms, we have storms in our lives. Storms are part of life, part of our growth and part of the journey.
Nurture yourself through the storms of life either through a connection with someone special, a thing or place. Know what brings you comfort and feelings of safety and bring it to you. Just as in nature, the storm will pass. Let peace and joy return. Your life has purpose. Blue skies await you!
Affirmation: I AM...Safe!
Denna J. Shelton, Copyright, 2010
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