I have a very simple but powerful suggestion on how to be that change. Be the change by focusing on Small Acts with Great Love! Now, I did not come up with that. It was Mother Teresa who said, “We can do no great things –only small things with great love.” Here is a true story example:
An old woman walked with a ramble as she pushed her shopping cart full of her worldly possession. She was dirty, her hair unkempt, her cloths torn, she reeked of alcohol and cigarettes. Most of her teeth were missing. She stopped and asked Jill for some change. Jill wanting to display a small act of kindness invited her to lunch and she agreed. They went across the street to an outdoor café so the old woman could watch over her shopping cart while they ate. When they were ready to leave, Jill felt good about herself but then the old woman asked her for a hug. It was then that Jill had to face herself and all the hidden repulsion and bias that she had for this woman. She gave her a passing type of hug and instantly felt shame. The old woman thanked Jill for lunch and began to ramble off. Jill stood there for a moment and realized that she had failed to give this woman the one thing that cost nothing, Love!
She called to the woman and caught up with her and asked her if she could give her a real hug and she agreed. She got past, and I quote “her own stench and gave that woman the best hug she has ever given anyone.” This was a small act with great Love.
Listen intently without interrupting, smile at a stranger, or waive to a neighbor. These are all small acts with great love. Quoting Mother Teresa again she said, “Do not worry about why problems exist in the world – just respond to people’s needs. We feel what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean, but that ocean would be less without that drop.” It is time NOW for everyday people to stop feeling powerless about doing some grand thing in the world and be empowered to see the impact of their small actions, all adding up collectively.
Denna J. Shelton, Copyright 2010
Denna J. Shelton, Copyright 2010