As I moved up the dumbbell rack and looked behind me at the lower free-weights which I had grown accustomed and comfortable, I reminded myself that I would get comfortable again in moving up. I also knew the rewards and gratification I would achieve by pushing myself forward with courage and discipline. I'd have stronger bones, a leaner body, more endurance, more strength, and a higher metabolism. I'd have overall better health. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks! There's a direct correlation between muscle growth and mental/spiritual growth. I needed to move up by once again stepping out of my comfort zone for mental/spiritual growth. I had become stagnant here, as well.
"Stepping out of your comfort zone for personal growth" is not a new revelation by any means. It has been said over and over again by many famous and successful people such as Brian Tracy, "Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new." But today, the analogy of building muscle to building mental/spiritual growth really hit home for me. Here is why:
To build muscle you have to progressively overload. You must push the muscle to its limits or to fatigue by the last repetition. In doing so, the muscle fibers tear or break down. Technically, you become weaker while you are actually lifting. While you rest is when the muscle fibers rebuild and become stronger than before in preparation for the anticipated demand or workout. The key to building strength is to break down the muscle fibers with progressive overload of the targeted muscle.
I believe the same process happens for mental/spiritual growth. Although, I don't believe it is necessary to "overload" or push yourself to "fatigue" in order to grow, I do believe you must move out of your comfort zone. To do this, there is a breaking down, just like in the muscle, that must occur in order to become stronger in who you truly are -- a magnificent expression of the Divine! The "breaking down" is often needed in your belief systems or patterns that hold you back. So how do you change these beliefs or patterns that hold you back from expressing your divine magnificence and rebuild new ones?
First of all, you must become aware of these beliefs or patterns. Awareness is monumental for growth and positive change. The surest way to obtain awareness is to spend quiet time with your Self - your Soul! Find a spiritual practice or a form of meditation that quiets the mind chatter and allows you to listen to the gentle voice within. It will always reveal to you the truth and provides divine guidance which empowers your life. Then you must choose to act upon this guidance by stepping out of your comfort zone. Even though you know it won't be easy at first, you'll be shaky, uncertain of your ability to perform and probably frustrated at times. But you also must know there are wonderful rewards and gratifications by pushing yourself forward with courage and discipline. You will experience tremendous growth, expansion and become stronger mentally and spiritually; living a life of joy, passion and purpose. This also greatly affects those around you in a positive way which is so desperately needed for the well-being of the world.
You are a divine expression of your Creator. You have unique talents and gifts that only you can deliver in your own special way. Do not underestimate the power that God has given you and the effect or difference it makes in your own life and in the lives of others! Growth does not occur by settling or being comfortable with the status quo. You must step out of your comfort zone with all of its awkwardness and doubts. The rewards that follow are so worth the effort; a life full of joy, passion and purpose! I know what I must do next and I am ready. How about you?
A video clip to affirm Perfect Health in Mind, Body, & Spirit...
For more video clip samples with positive affirmations, click here
Denna J. Shelton, Copyright 2012