"Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it everyday." ~Henri Nouwen
Life is in the living and here in this exact moment is our golden opportunity to experience unadulterated JOY! You can either choose joy or chase it!
If we think joy lives outside of ourselves, we will constantly be on its hunt or thinking it is a reward for something we have earned. (Whew, we exhaust ourselves in the pursuit of joy!) If, however, we know joy is inside of ourselves, we can choose it at any given moment. We can make the deliberate decision that this moment, this day, this week will be joyous.
Set your intention at this very moment to let today be more joyous than you ever thought possible. Quit dwelling on the past, stop worrying about the future and be present in the moment. "Present" in the English language means "now", "here" and a "gift." The more present you are in each moment, the more joy you will find. Joy is where you are! Be present and choose JOY!
Affirmation: I AM... Joy! I let go of all worry. I release all despair. I feel happy and carefree. I AM... Joy!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Friday, July 1, 2011
A Balancing Act in...
Body, Mind, and Spirit

"The key to keeping your balance is knowing when you've lost it." ~unknown
Why is it important to strive for balance?
We are physical, mental and spiritual beings. One component builds upon the other. They are sequential as well as simultaneous meaning that you must pay attention to all three to sustain a life of outstanding performance, health and joy! There must be a balance between analytical processes, love & creativity, and action to be in full expression of who you are as an individual contributing to the whole.
We spend an ornate amount of time in analytical thinking and most of it negative. We are bombarded more than ever with negative information in regard to what is happening with the economy, the threats at home and abroad, the environment and education. We must make daily choices for our own well-being to neutralize all the negative information and rapid changes happening on our planet. We can no longer ignore the cry of our Soul. It is in need of deep nourishment. Without it, it will be extremely difficult or even impossible to adjust and survive in these challenging times.
How do you know when you have become imbalanced?
Listen to your body. It will tell you! The imbalance can show up as headaches, tension and stiffness in the muscles or more seriously, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, older biological age, etc. There are many schools of thought that all dis-ease is a result of an imbalance within the three components of who we are.
Listen to your emotions. They will tell you! Are you having frequent feelings of despair, hopelessness, lack of enthusiasm, or excessive anger, anxiety or depression?
Many have come to believe that these conditions are our natural state – a normal part of life! I disagree. We are here to experience a life of passion, enthusiasm and ultimate health.
What can we do to create a balance in Mind, Body, & Spirit?
Let’s begin with the physical aspect: Move your body! Find the exercise that you enjoy whether it’s swimming, hiking, tennis, aerobic dance, yoga, power walking, belly dancing, whatever….just move! You must move and stretch to stay strong and flexible. Effective action is very difficult if you are not feeling well physically. If you lack energy and vitality to enjoy life to the fullest, then even meditation or prayer becomes a struggle. A spiritual person without a healthy physical body is out of balance.
Secondly, let me address the mind, emotions and spirit together. Turn off the TV, radio, and push away from the computer! Spend time in quiet reflection or meditation. Meditation is the foremost balancing technique in human experience! It quiets all the analytical thinking and puts you in touch with the fruits of the Spirit: joy, peace, harmony and love. It nurtures your Soul. In the silence, truth and wisdom is revealed to you. It heightens your awareness and you become more integrated as a whole in mind, body & spirit therefore expressing & experiencing yourself more fully.
Find the meditation technique that you enjoy! There are so many to choose from such as journey meditation combining imagery and visualization or sounding meditation using repetition of a sound as its focal point, and movement meditation such as yoga or strolling thru nature. Perhaps breathing meditation focusing on the breath, or listening to soothing music with closed eyes. Reading from the Holy Bible or some other source of inspiration and quietly reflecting on their words may work for you. The perfect meditation is if ultimately you leave feeling better than when you began!
You are a physical, mental and spiritual being. By investing time in all aspects of who you are, not only is your life deeply enriched but so are the lives of others. It is not easy to be balanced and it is impossible to be perfectly balanced all the time. Always be patient and gentle with yourself in the process of life. But by being aware of how you are feeling and making conscious choices to be balanced in mind, body, and spirit, the by-products of joy, peace, harmony, love and health are yours.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
I AM... Harmony, Gem #2
"He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the Universe." - Marcus Aurelilus
As a human, you have freedom to choose. Your free will allows you to decide what you think about. There is plenty in the world that is displeasing. You cannot deny it, but the good news is you can choose to focus on whatever you wish.
If you focus on discord, negativity or injustice, you will feel separate from God and others. Your path will be difficult; emotionally, physically and spiritually. If you focus on that which brings you delight and pleasure, you will see beauty in the world and experience yourself as one with God and all there is. You will draw more beautiful experiences to you and enhance your overall health.
Know that you are one with all and choose to focus on that which brings harmonious feelings. Move forward, knowing that you are supported, loved and never alone; no matter what the circumstances.
Affirmation: I AM... Harmony. I AM one with all there is. I see beauty in my world. I see beauty in myself and others. I experience my life harmoniously. I AM... Harmony.
Monday, April 11, 2011
On Awareness
"Awareness heals." ~ Ezna Bayda
Do unwanted experiences that create pain and suffering continue to show up for you? Would you be open to the concept that Awareness and then the simple act of changing your thoughts about these experiences, could transform them? If so, read on...
There is tremendous power in the Awareness of your thoughts and emotions. It gives you the ability at a moments notice to choose what you wish to experience next. How do you develop this Awareness? Through Meditation! Meditation is the best practice to heighten your Awareness of your thoughts, of your soul and your connection to Spirit. When you live your life from the standpoint of your soul connected to Spirit, your Awareness on a conscience level naturally heightens. You become very aware that you truly are the creator of all of your life's experiences. You know that you will always have the power to choose what you experience next. That you are, indeed, a co-creator with God. It is from my personal meditation that my Awareness continues to become stronger as time marches along. Here is how Awareness has worked for me.
When an experience that has created discomfort in me occurs, I step back from the situation, observe it, and take note. Then I ask myself this: "What do I wish to experience next?" Do I want to have the experience of pain and suffering or do I want to experience peace? It is the deliberate choice that gives me the new experience. For example:
Just this afternoon a lady in my office building misread my actions and took offense to them. She was quite rude in her behavior towards me and stormed out of the building not allowing me to explain my actions. Initially, I did panic and usually, I'd fret and worry all day over something like this. However, though Awareness I became instantly aware of my emotions, stepped back, observed them and chose to experience this differently. I took a few deep breaths and examined my thoughts and my heart. I knew I had no bad intentions in my actions and I certainly did not know what was going on with her. I chose to not take what happened personally! I chose not to have judgment of her, the situation or myself. I then literally surrounded the situation in the brightest Light I could and let it go. The rest of my afternoon was a bright and cheery one!
A word of caution! Be careful not to criticize yourself or think that you should not be feeling a particular way about a situation. Being aware is not denial or suppressing your emotions. It is quite the opposite. You fully experience and observe the feelings that have arisen. You do not judge them! Then through your Awareness, you choose to either continue feeling the way you do or you choose new thoughts and therefore new feelings and hence a new experience. There is power in Awareness. Awareness heals. You are a powerful co-creator with God. Through meditation and connecting your soul with Spirit, you become fully aware of this loving power!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
I AM... Enough, Gem #18
"Discouragement is not the absence of adequacy but the absence of courage." ~Neal Maxwell
Know that you’re more than enough just as you are. There is nothing you have to prove to yourself or anyone else to claim your worthiness. You were created in the image of God, the I AM with your own individual expression and unique gifts.
Your own personal gifts are enough! It does not matter what gifts others have. Focus on yours! You have everything you need within you to create a purposeful and rich life.
What undue pressures you put upon yourself! Do your best each day and know it is enough. Some days your best may seem better than others. Knowing you are enough does not have to be based on how much is accomplished on a daily basis. Each day you are enough. When you remind yourself of this, you will feel confident and self-assured. You will feel lighter and more joyous! Those around you will sense your joy and will feel more joyous themselves.
You are enough -- own it, believe it, and live it!
I AM… Enough. I have special gifts. My life has purpose and meaning. My best is enough. I release undue pressures. I exude confidence and grace. I AM… Enough.
Copyright 2011 Denna J. Shelton
Know that you’re more than enough just as you are. There is nothing you have to prove to yourself or anyone else to claim your worthiness. You were created in the image of God, the I AM with your own individual expression and unique gifts.
Your own personal gifts are enough! It does not matter what gifts others have. Focus on yours! You have everything you need within you to create a purposeful and rich life.
What undue pressures you put upon yourself! Do your best each day and know it is enough. Some days your best may seem better than others. Knowing you are enough does not have to be based on how much is accomplished on a daily basis. Each day you are enough. When you remind yourself of this, you will feel confident and self-assured. You will feel lighter and more joyous! Those around you will sense your joy and will feel more joyous themselves.
You are enough -- own it, believe it, and live it!
I AM… Enough. I have special gifts. My life has purpose and meaning. My best is enough. I release undue pressures. I exude confidence and grace. I AM… Enough.
Copyright 2011 Denna J. Shelton
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
I AM... Perfect Health, Gem #8
"Take care of your body; it's the only place you have to live."~Jim Rohn
YOU ARE the unique and divine expression of your Creator, God-I AM! YOU ARE created in the divine likeness of Him/Her. YOU ARE here on Earth to experience growth, expansion, love and joy as a co-creator in this likeness. Your physical body is the storehouse of your divine expression, Spirit, designed to facilitate travel for your journey. There are many choices to be made daily in regards to your body. Some choices may or may not support your journey, so be careful what you choose.
Listed below are five components of perfect health. One affects or builds upon the other. Balance of these components support you in a healthy physical body enabling your Spirit to soar.
Movement - Choose the movement that you enjoy to keep your physical body strong, flexible, energized and healthy.
Rest - Give yourself the rest you need to feel balanced and refreshed. Remember your stress level needs to be monitored and attended with Love.
Nourishment - Forget the fad diets out there. When choosing foods, stop and ask these two simple questions: "Is this food honoring my body? Is it giving my body the nutrients needed to support good health and function properly?
Mind - Unhealthy thoughts will create an unhealthy body. Choose thoughts that give you a feeling of wellness. Reject thoughts that give you a feeling of discord. Carefully choose the books you read, the music you listen to, and the movies you watch. All input affects your overall well-being.
Meditation - Spend time either listening to soothing music, strolling in nature, focusing on the breath, or perhaps visualization to name just a few. Choose a form of meditation that YOU enjoy. This will give you keen awareness to who you truly are.
YOUR ARE a unique and divine expression of your Creator. Choose carefully to support your physical body as you travel on your joyous journey.
Affirmation: I AM Perfect Health. I honor my body. I choose healthy foods. I exercise my body. I rest peacefully. I choose positive thoughts. All my choices are healthy. I AM Perfect Health.
A clip of 11 minute visual meditation, TwentyGems, www.twentygems.com, affirming perfect health...
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Letting Go....
"...but keep in mind that letting go isn't the end of the world, it's a new life." - unknown
Ask yourself this... What am I holding onto that keeps me stuck in living a life of limitation, fear, and boredom? Is it limiting thoughts about myself? Is it worry about other people's opinions of me? Is it the unwillingness to let go of material possessions that keep me stuck in a job I hate? Is it a worn out pattern in a relationship? What is it? In your heart you know the answer!
Now, ask yourself this... Is now the time to finally let it go; to set myself free of the chains that bind me? It is clearly your choice!
Letting go creates a new life - a new beginning! Where you have been has been important. It has helped shape who you are. But have faith that by letting go of that which has you stuck in negative thoughts and experiences leads you to a richer life. Gently let go and set your intention to experience a life of freedom and joy! It is time!
Affirmation: I AM... free to choose in every given moment. I let go of all that binds me. I embrace a richer life. I AM...free!
Denna J. Shelton, Copyright 2011
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