Tuesday, February 23, 2010

There is Power in Feeling Powerless

Although we know there is much in life we cannot control, we also do know that we have the power to think, feel and choose. We are not powerless victims of our circumstances. We are powerful co-creators with God and have the freedom to choose what we will create and experience next.

Every moment gives us the opportunity to choose what we wish to experience. Being aware of our present moments by not looking back in anger or forward in fear gives us the power to choose new and fresh perspectives and therefore experiences. At times this seems impossible and no matter how hard we try we feel powerless. This is when the choice is to ask our Higher Power-God for help! It is in this choice that we find the power in feeling powerless.

You are a magnificent, powerful being. Be aware, choose the experiences that bring you a life of joy and peace. Know that even when you feel powerless the choice is to draw from the power that created you.

Affirmation:   I AM a powerful expression of the Divine.

Denna J. Shelton, Copyright, 2010

Thursday, February 4, 2010


"One must accept their humanness and their godliness."

It is easy to accept the aspects of yourself that you like. Perhaps you have beautiful eyes, quick wit or are athletic. Or maybe you are good with numbers, musically talented or make friends easily. These aspects are easy to accept. What about those others? Perhaps you are unorganized, grumpy in the mornings, lousy at math, or uncoordinated.

Self-acceptance of the good, the bad, and the ugly is a pre-requisite to self-love. Without self-acceptance there is no self-love. Without self-love it is difficult to give and accept love from others.

All aspects of you are serving you on your soul journey. Love all of who you are. Be kind and gentle to yourself. The irony is as you practice self-acceptance, you will find the aspects that you disliked so much have less control or prominence in your life!

Affirmation:  I AM... Self-Acceptance.  I love all of Who I AM.  I let go of all judgment.  I accept all parts of myself.  I am gentle and kind to myself.  I AM... Self-Acceptance.

Denna J. Shelton, Copyright, 2010